Thursday, December 25, 2008


hohoho! merry christmas 2008 to all of you guys. hope you guys had enjoyed partying last night counting down! hope tat u all that a wonderful yr 2008 and everything be as fulfilling as ever.

one year flew past just like that and i am or rather everyone is one year older. i thank all those friend that stood by me matter in times of ups or downs. matters in happy or sad. i thank you for accepting who i am and allowing me to be who i am. i thank you for all the memories given throughout this year and i must say. it is totally fabulous! esp to my poly mates. u guys were the ones whom i spent most of my times with. and thanks for those guidings, care and concern, being there in times of needs. really cats. u guys rock totally. i will always remember all those manicure session, outings, Kbox-ing, studying session, attending each other performance, working tgt and shopping! girls, you sweeties have made my poly life a more fulfilling one. and rmb that even if we will part into different faculty next yr, lets keep this bond going!!! another clique that i would like to sincerely thank would be hoodies. esp pearl definitely. and now HUI! =) u girls and guys know what i am going to say. i just love you all. MUACK! jo nette fang. u three rock my life since sec sch days and i'll never forget you girls. thanks for being there, for making slumber parties, for those gossip session, for those meeting up! and to the rest, even u guys may not be as close to me but when i receive those heart warming xmas greeting, tears did filled up my eyes. thank so much lovelies.

thanks to those for xmas msg. some names were rather unexpected and thus i meant a lill more to me than anything! once again. MERRY XMAS!

a lill to side track. i bought a set of LV bag with wallet. and i'm regretting ald. so i'm selling it away.=XXX wahaha. er.. its the neverfool and a MRpoleman wallet. bought at two thousand plus in all. selling at thousand five. brand new with tags. any takers??? email me for more details!

merry lill xmas,