alrights. no mood to type anything. pic will say everything. PS: taken with my beloved ice cream phone ok! love it max.and stop telling me it has a pink sister. SHIT=(

the love that me and les made suring work.

ice cream phone^^

freshly done manicure(: PS: idea from bel(:

outfit for the day. notice my moo moo shoes. wahhaa

i was bored during lesson and decided to vantlize bel's hand(:

i gt my new moo moo shoe today. and twenty min after i got it. my havaianas broke. so it was put into use immd(:

sick bel. she was worn out for the day. rest well girl(:

went out to celebrate pearly's bday ytd. pretty girl. we bought her a set of chomel accessories.

we love this big mirror. LOL

it was indeed a slacker job. we can even camwhore u see. i love les(:

the very first pic i took with my ice cream phone. shutup, i know i look dumb.
ok. more or less thats it.
i look forward to tml.
breakfast with vin and i get to see beetle(: and i get a free ride to sch.
SIA cabin crew talk. gonna skip one hr of lec with jacq to attend. how trilling.
meet up with les and hui in the evening.
whats better then this? and i did my tuts for tml. i am a good girl(: muhahaha
k, thats all. byeee
PS: i have a new line; got car no me