alright. finally have sometime to settle down to write a proper post(: life's been super hectic. well. I&E event was a success. so i was pretty happy even though it cost me a bomb. was really happy on that day. and i really thx those who turned up for the event. esp those NYP dudes and someone special. i didnt really expect them to turn up but they were actually the more ON ones. LOL. thx so much. and i would like to show my sincere thanks to pearlie's family. thx alot. and those from NP and Yuhua. thx guys. and i enjoyed the time me and les spent the whole moring preparing. we was so gan chiong and fustrated BUT it was fun ok! wahahha. i had fun using les toilet too. wahha. and I LOVE HER NEW NEST! totally awesome! motivate me to move house. wahhaha. aites. overall. it was fun!
what else had past? errr. went back to batam for a while to help vin get his polo shirts. friday was whole day out with cousie. sunday was work. rahhh. and MONDAY WHICH IS TODAY is SCH REOPEN! =( suckers. though there wasnt IS lesson. but i had to go back to complete projs. shitty. and we didnt manage to smuggle anything to eat in lib. ALL THX TO ZX! shout so loud. jin dong everyone lo. damm. whatever. but it was usual the best proj session. haha. i had a good laugh really. and i wan my BANANA! wahahha.
k la. i will cont to update. since sch started. which means more time with my pretty pink vaio(: actually i have real loads to say. but only meant for one ear. so forget it. haas. will upload pics. AH JO! nah! ur pics!
PS: pics are not by date.
me and jo at I&E event. i look pregnant here. damm.

i made an oath and i'll stick with it. nothing can be assured but i will try my best(:
this for you:
If time could stand still, I’d freeze it here,
If time could stand still, I’d freeze it here,
So you’d always hold me, close and near.
In your arms, where I’m meant to be,
Filled with the perfect love you’ve given me.
A bond so strong, a hold so tight,
To know you’re the one; my ‘Mr. Right’.
A blessing sent from up above,
In you I’ve found my one true love.
Our lives entwined to be as one,
Upon this journey we’ve just begun.
Where you and I will find no less,
Than eternal love and happiness.
with loves,