Alvin & Claire
On this very special day of the year, we created ourselves the most wonderful memories. Spent the entire day at sentosa. Thanks dear, for everything you have brought to me. For loving caring and embracing me. Thanks for being sucha sweet love of my life. i simply love you(:
Dear came over early morning to fetch me. ate our breakfast at 504. then drove to sentosa. we got lost again. TEEHEE! and all thx to my CLEVERNESS. we reached. ok la. i admit you were the one who ultimately found the road. HAHA. ok. WE found our way there together(: roamed around sentosa. stroll our way to tanjong. vin has never been there. HOW SK! haha. we were sweating like no tomorrow. weather was real hot. anyhow, we got down to siloso, got his tanning oil. Vin is freak. he was under the sun and didnt manage to turn black. BUT I WAS UNDER THE SHADE and i got tan lines. HOW NICE=( sun block with SPF130 didnt work at ALL! rahhh, whatever. we talked about everything under the sun. know, like what couples always do? haha. rights. went back to beetle to get MY SANDWICH. muahha. i clearly enjoyed it totally. dear woke up early morning to prepare it. TOTALLY nice. LOL. i bet i look like a glutton while indulging in the sandwich. hee. then bathed and went to the most southern point and enjoyed the scenery. it was the best time of the day. it was like some fairytale story coming true. it was how i always imagined myself to be in with my lover. DEAR, you made my fairytale story came through. Everything was OH-SO-ROMANTIC. we stood there under the sunset with the smoothing wind caressing our faces. The view was totally fabulous. you could even see the sun reflecting from the sea. the thuds of the waves seems like they were composing a song for us. all we did was hugged together and chatted our hearts out. those frequent reader of my blog will know, THIS IS WHAT I ALWAYS DREAMT FOR. i always loved nature and i always blogged about how i want to be at that scene. and ALL THIS CAME TRUE. dear, thanks for making my fairytale story so true. NO, it was true totally. I LOVE THAT TO BITS! anyway, went for sky dining. food was alright. but the service was totally under rated! dear, was so freaked out when the cabin shook. i couldnt stop laughing. EVIL! hahaha. anyhow. after that we didnt exist sentosa immediately CAUSE someone KEPT laughing NON stop cause of a concentrated glass of champagne. HAHAHAH! evil! anyhow. went back to the same spot again. enjoyed myself totally. i felt so in love. like, love was in the air. drove home after that. was totally worn out ald. fell asleep in the car.
i can't get that moment of my mind. it was exquiste beauty. Alvin Chua, I simply love you. darl, you're too good to be true. i'm nothing without you!
pictures below. there's many better once. BUT someone is NO free to upload. HAHAH! so yea. for now, enjoy this. its hardwork editing. ok. not much actually. hahah
Claire simply loves Alvin

i enjoyed this valentine. nothing can explain the joy. esp that my fairytale story came TRUE!

with all bits of my love,