i miss DEAR. i miss LES. i miss HUI. i miss MUMMY. i miss JUMPER. i miss my BED!!!
the four days was tiring BUT great memories written. shall nt blog much yet cause i haven gotten the photos yet. back yesterday. was super doper surprised by DEAR. he came to fetch me!!!! i really really didnt expect that. i know les and hui are coming. BUT NOT DEAR. i thought he was workin. thursday. he have meeting somemore. DAMM! i was damm shock to see him. i felt like jumping with joy=D i missed him alot. really. OH. and the two girls came too. jamie and carrise!!! they are really two sweet little girls. and of course. my two favourite ladies came. my two BFFS! lessie and hui=D but i couldnt join them after that. so sorry loves. I SHALL MAKE UP TO YOU ALL SOON=D anyway. home and bath. dear came to fetch me out for dinner. i am loved(: really. i felt i was on cloud nine!!!
my love(:



OH DID I MENTION. i receive a gift upon arrival. my two sweet daughters drag dear to get me something. LOL! thanks dear for the chocs. even though i cant eat now.

this was the best gift upon arriving home. i online and saw this. i dont know why. but i was thrilled. maybe cause i know that he missed me the few days when i was away. =DD
yours lovely,