FIRST in all. exams is OFFCIALLY over. ok. it was officially over last friday. but was too busy to blog about it. then and again. i am missing mac days. now. i have nothing to do already. no job nothing. shiet. i feel like a useless ghost. =( whatever. friday was my last paper. had steamboat at dear hse. its like the dunno-how-many-times this year i have been steamboat-ing. *fattening* rahh. before that went JP. vin bought this of-no-use honeydew that cause 7bucks. crazy! it taste like the 30cents for one slice honeydew i can get in canteen1. LOL! then to his hse. helped to prepare the stuff then went to sheng shiong with his mummy to get some stuff. and dinner-ed. slacked and homed.
had piano in the morning on saturday. then teach tuition. met vin for lunch then he drove me to selly place. helped selly move hse then tuition. back home then to JP with vin. CATCH BEAR BEAR again. lol. to me is catch bear bear. to him is catch SWEET SWEET! -.- shopped around JP. and GUESS WHAT. i got my birkenstock for 59.50. IMAGINE. its real cheap. and i got the colour and size i wanted. was superrrr happy. anyway. went TS to buy some serial drama then to dear house to watch. LOL! we wanted to chiong overnight. BUT. both of us are too pig to even complete one disc which consist of 5 episode. HEH! so dear drive me home then SLEEP.
tuition on sunday morning. then lunch with mummy as usual. i feel bad leaving mummy alone on sundays=( its been long since i accompany her out=( sorry mummy! anyway. vin came to fetch me and off we went to cold rock cafee to meet the two prettaye. LOL! and they were really taking the swing sit. muahhaa! slacked at cold rock for quite sometime and then off to henderson industrial park to search for dear intern place. was raining heavily. i could see the fear in dear. heavy responsibility uh! hee. then off we went to ikea to eat cause i was complaining that i was hungry=X MEAT BALLS. my favvvvv.=DD carrise and dear ate poached salmon. jaime was on diet. hee. nope joking. she was full i guess. then shopped around and drove the two girls home. its fun bringing this two girls out. they're those fun-loving types of people. its nice. dear said he enjoy bringing them out. could see that dear was really enjoying. he couldnt stop saying THEY ARE FUN! haha. anyway. dear came my place to cont serial drama. and i shoo him home at 12 plus. GOT INTERN NEXT DAY STILL DUN WAN GO HOME SLP! u ar...
yesterday was our second monthsary. dear. thanks for spending so much time on me. i like the way i could see you everyday. dear, don't worry about you being sticky. cause i'm that way too. mabe thats why we clicked. =) just want you to promise me, stay happy. and stay away from those things that'll make you unhappy. you know what i am refering to. =) once again, i love you dear. thanks for being so sweet all along. MUACKS!
PS: i'm sorry for being so dumb and distracted yesterday. you know the reason why. i am sorry for making you xin tong about that. sorry dear! hope you like the card anyway=)
PS: i'm sorry for being so dumb and distracted yesterday. you know the reason why. i am sorry for making you xin tong about that. sorry dear! hope you like the card anyway=)
TO LES-the princess of my life
les. i have said enough of everything. you know how i feel towards you and you know that i am always here. no one can see thru me but you. you understand how i feel always. i'm never giving up on you. i'm never stop loving you. les. this wednesday it shall be=) i love you princess=)
i love you(:

there;s many more pics i wanna post. but lazy. so next time=)
with loves,