fort canning! we were suppose to meet at 9 IMM. but as usual. i was late. teehee=X cabbed down and ate mac breakfast. WAS SUPER SATISFIED=) mrt down to cityhall. its been long since i took public transport. joked and laughed on the way. i love the two girls(: reach cityhall. wanted to walk over but resort to bused in the end. HAHA! the two girls almost got killed by their heels. i'm proud of myself xD heels are NOTHING. muahahah! okok. anyway. reach fort canning. camwhoring starts. i had fun totally. even though we were sweating and complaining. i know we had fun. by 1PM, we decided to give up and head to my hse. ate at 504 and slacked at my hse. left for tuition at 5 and met dear at 7. waited for dear to practice his piano at studio and left for his house for dinner. his fren was around to figure out computer stuff which i totally had no interest about. he sent me home at 9. reach home. slacked and fell asleep when i was on the phone with dear. PS: he fell asleep too.
yesterday was totally sweet. the two girls was the fantastic thing that had ever happened to me. thanks girls for being the princesses of my life. thanks for being there be it up or down sad or happy. thanks for giving me advice, listening to me and bringing my joy. i never regret giving up anything just for the two of you.
to les: you are as always the light of my life. the love the princess the joy. thanks girl for being such a wonderful les and thanks for the support and creating beautiful memories in my life. cheers to our friendship.
to hui: even though we are not as close. but all the support the advice the care you gave. i could feel it all. thanks for giving me a chance to know you better. to care to love and to play a part in you life. thanks for being such a sweet person who is realy understanding towards me. thanks for the console the motivation. allow me to play the same role in your life too. i wan to know you better.
girls, just simply, aishiteru(:
below are pictures taken. didnt post self pic of les and hui cause i ddnt manage to get hui's one at this time. when i get it i will post it up again=) enjoy the pics.

another one taken yesterday. i think he's gonna kill me =X hee. dear's been rather stressed up recently. hope you'll feel better after tml(:
i cant deny his talented(: still rmb the day he played marriage de'amor for me. i was almost moved to tears. the melodious sound keeps on repeating thru my mind even till this day. it was the first ever time he played a full song for his gf. thanks dear. i look forward to wo men de yue ding.
i realise, my english starts to get a little crappy this days. maybe cause i am badly influence by alvin chua=X hmmm. maybe i should start reading story books again. BOOO!
sometimes wondering; how have you been?