alrights. didnt blog yesterday cause i just dropped dead when i reach home. ACHES EVERYWHERE!
worked at MOE promoton ceremony yesterday =D work was overall as fun with that group of people. EVEN THOUGH Mr mozzi loves to BULLY me. fine. whatever.
fun clique of people. Boss was not nice but nice. HAHAHA xD well well. we complained the job was; NICE BORING EASY MONEY. yes. haha. we had this super long break. strolled to marina sq for lunch. YES and i "lost" my phone. NOPE. kanna stolen. everyone says is someone. so everyone is that SOMEONE. LOL! ok. and i sat around the whole day. my job scope was just to stand beside the minister to pass him all the certs. and make sure the cert goes to the right owner. COOL AINT IT! no stage fright nothing. *clapps* and job ended with chasing all the way to MRT. Wenyi's fault. ROAR~
head to ikea to meet dear. he was excited about it the whole day. LOL! walked around and shopped=D he wanted to cab home but i inisted on MRT. end up. WE SUFFER=( both of us was damm tired wen we got home. but. it was nice. to walk hand in hand along the streets, toking about everything under the moon. HAHAH! i love dearie=D home sweet home. knock off the moment i've done everything.
woke up early this morning. piano lesson as usual. i checked out everything i needed from Ms tan ald. ACHIEVEMENT. meeting amy peh later at JP. kaes. thats all folks. be back.
oh ya. i changed skin. LOL! me HEART it=D classic skin with a classic SONG=D enjoy
in case u miss me xD

the stage ^^
