ok. in the whole wide world. i am the only one being hyper. everyone is slow, emo, peaceful. WELL. i am PEACEFUL. bleah. ok. i admit i wasnt last night. yesterday. BAD=( i wasn't feeling really nice here nor there. i cried hearing the song. BOO! what a day to end. well. Mr Chua came online and ended my day with a smile again. you're my powerpuff BOY=] saves my day!!! my sleep was even sweeter cause my day ended with a good night call from my boy. I LOVE YOU! wheeeeee.
this morning. i was PISSED! my tuition kid called me early at 730AM to ask me maths question. I AM NOT 24/7 like macDonalds=( BOO! dragged myself out of bed to fetch selly. walked over to her house in my PJs and specs=X gave dear a morning call. so the conversation went like this...
Me: MORNING DEAR! wake up lo...
Vin: hmmm.
Me: wake up la...
Vin: hmmm hmmm
Me: you tired go slp a while more la. call you later.
Vin: hmmm hmmm hmmm HMMMM
so he started talking and chatted for a while...
Vin: actually hor i 6 plus 7 ald wake up liao... my bro la... early morning keep shouting AUNTIE. wan slp also cannot...
Me: NO WONDER LA! first time i give u morning call you never KUP MY PHONE.!
LOL. apparently, everytime i wake this pig up, he will say orh... then *toot toot*. never fail. so i was wondering why today... different case. LOL!
anyway. yea. brought selly to my hse i bathed and dear came over. brunch-ed at 504. and head to bottle tree park=D whee. and WE DIDNT GET LOST. ok. we didnt had MUCH fun. selly was the one having fun catching her little fishy. leaving her alone at the longkang. me and dear went around to tour. sad thing we didnt get my photos captured cause the sun was FREAKING hot. lunched at AMK and home sweet home. dear stayed at my hse to play piano and i fell asleep. woke up and practiced shi shou lian tan with dear. oh yea. we manage to coordinate ABIT. ok. my BAD. cause i didnt practice much. and we both LOVE tui hou. =) had a few little moments to ourselves and that calls it a day.
and now i am BORED! tell me must practice piano. MOTIVATION NEEDED AGAIN!
rah! pictures below. enjoy.

yours truly,