life's been pretty busy. thus the lack of updates. had mummy's celebration on friday night. dear drove me sissy and mummy to birdhill for dinner. saturday was family gathering at granny's place. dear came over to granny place to fetch me to JP. strolled and sat down at ajisen for dinner. dear ate. we both love that place=D then home sweet home. it was a sweet night. sunday. which was yesterday. out shopping with mummy. bought an exactly same dress with mummy=D walked around in jp and homed. went over to dear's place for BBQ. nice night^^
well. that was a summary of everything. i cant remember anything else except that i am teaching multiple tuition everyday. this sucks=(
**i am blessed. blessed with him. even though things i done wrong. really wrong. absolutely wrong. even though he was furious was disappointed but he couldnt bear to scold me. he merely stroke my hair and spoke to me. dear. i never felt that bless. thanks for being so magnanimous. so understanding. so MATURE. yes. so mature. thanks dear. for the sms-es this morning. it brighten my day...
"cause you are the person who is vey important to me now..."
PHOTOS BELOW: i may missed out some taken. pardon meee. its long since i updated=X
les and me. BUBBLE TEA=D hui was around too=)

honeydew sago

last monday at busstop waiting for hui

dear's mummy's birthday at shangrila THE LINE

PS: i have an exciting week ahead...
PSS: i'm waiting for some FAT FAT to come meet his ROUND ROUND. SOOOOO LONG!
PSSS: i changed my blog song=) well. had been on my repeat playlist recently. somehow. listening to it. made me felt a lill different. it contains nice memories maybe.