ah ah! where did i stopped? ok. common test. yes. its all over already=] i hope its nt as disastrous as i think it would be=/ went to execute a surprise for joyce after our last paper. (oh ya. CT ended badly with CLAW paper. yes it sucked) she's currently in california USA. hope she's doing fine and wont contract any sort of stuff back. heh. met lessie after that for a dinner at jp. left for balai on saturday morning. even though its nothing compared to anywhere BUT its the best trip i've ever been so far. a huge loads of memories came flowing back to me. really. its been say at least 6-7 years ever since i last went back? ever since my relative shifted to batam i didnt get any chance to pop by again. it was an awesome trip. but i know of another trip more awesome then this.... soon. :D trip to air tejun. FABULOUS! i hike up which cost me one day. but i NEVER NEVER regret. its totally worth. like SUPER! even that i was mozzi bites infested.
wedding dinner was great. celebration was great. the bride is freaking 20 years old. like 1 year older then me only? whats with people these days? and i just happen to know that my primary school friend is freaking MARRIED and GAVE BIRTH TO A BABY GIRL. ok. i was damm shocked about the news. i totally cant digest the news. i was stunned at that moment and cant comprehend anything at all. its heart warming though. she way more mature then me. as a mommy she's more wise in the thoughts. really. ok la. unwise getting pregnant at this age though. but she has grown alot. bless her and baby cheryth=]
hmm. time was well spent in balai. a relaxing getaway(: but still nothing can be compared to a trip to bali. i bet it'll be hundred times better!!! back on monday. had lunch at white dogs cafe with mummy and sissy. homed after that. met CDT and JDT at night to get my 2nd card. thanks pigeon. you did a great job. i simply love you both. and JDT. ur unicorn is still with meeee.
met my girls up on tuesday for a makeup audit tut and proj meeting. completed our stuff within like an hour or so. decided we shall go KBOX^^. we totally screamed our voice off=) i had a great time though. they are loved<3>

mummy was a stunning beauty that night. she looked WAY different in person.

pizza hut after last paper of CT
his miles and miles away from me. and distant really do makes love grow fonder. its weird how this sentence seems so true. we cherished the time we had over the net. that 1 hour of webcam-ing every night. it is always the time i'm looking forward to everyday. it was the best part of my day. i made my decision yesterday. after one whole night of thinking through. after many struggle between pros and cons. i made up my mind. i hope it is a wise decision. and i hope i won't regret making it. to give up on this, i took great courage. it was a BIG sacrificies. to give up that dream that ambition. it is by far, the biggest sacrificies i ever make.
i always love sunny afternoon. everyone knows. it somehow make my mind a little clearer. a little more space for thoughts. trip to tuition today was that fantastic. thought through alot. about my future. about dear and me. about my family. about my everything. i haven't come to any decision what should i do after my diploma yet. and i hope i'll come to a conclusion very soon.
and i wish you were here right now... thanks for being here no matter what happen. thanks for being supportive of my decision. and thanks for being not selfish. its actually you that all it matters. i wish i could have your hug right now.. yes i miss you MR CHUA. i'm looking forward to 10July. love dear loads^^ thanks for all the assurance. i learn to be patient. i learn to be more subtle. i grew. might be insignificant to some. but definitely significant to me. i no longer get furious at stuff. i no longer throw temper like i alway do. i no longer demand anything. though there's still a long way to go. and i dont know whether do these changes last. i give my words i'll do my best. cause i want to see your smile. this meant more than anything to me. take good care. bear bear will stay by me. and watchy will stay by you^^
many thoughts,