well. it commence the end of our 7th month and the start of our 8 month(: thanks dear for everything. its wouldnt be so great without you^^
went back to sch early morning. headed to 504 to eat lunch with jacq and then to jp to do my secret mission^^ got dear a cakey and a card. I DREW IT MYSELF OK. nt really THAT nice but i hope dear like it. went to sentosa with Mr chua for a walk. enjoyed myself totally. and i could see mr chua did too^^ it was a great great day and dear. i love you alot alot alot TOO(: to the max really. HEH! well. pictures on the scroll.
it sucked totally without a good camera. thats how impt it is(: PHOTOSHOOT. cant wait!
Happy 7th Monthsary