HELLO! am back. heh! am gonna post photos only. so enjoy!
sam sam gave me this(: thanks sam fo the angel.
JAMIE (JDT) BIRTHDAY! 02/11 was jdt's bday. met her during dinner time and went cathay to celebrate. HOPE U ENJOYED IT AND LIKE ALL THE PRESSIES(: loves u loads, CMM
my boy looks sauve in this shirt!
and this girl that i adore!
my two precious
yours soon(:
we wore hoodies tgt(:
Happy 10th Monthsary! went to our fav resturant again(: its realy nice and relaxing. more photos in his phone. will post when i kope over. fat hopes for him to upload.
Bun bun(:
Our bears bears in his room(:
Bear bear and bear bear
i've got a nake version of this. SO ACYL. u naughty. U TRY!
Sentosa tanning day(:
OH! we BBQ-ed also(: good life! the satay was FABS!
plus a bottle of fizzy drink. damm shuang!
NAH! my big fat round face. IMAGINE!
took alot more. but force to choose this cause he smiles nicely here-.-