Happy CNY & Valentines(:
something special this year. didnt went back to batam with mummy and sissy. spent it with boyf and family. ah. i know what u guys gonna say.. ALVIN AGAIN.haha. ya la ya la. i love him to the max ok. HAHA!
Reunion dinner
haha. instead of staying at home to prepare. i went out to find my boy his shoe. HAHA. of course he loves it. HAHA. HE HAVE TO:D boy came over after his dinner to my hse to bai zhao nian. cause momo leaving for batam on chu yi. went off after being so overly excited abt his new shoe -.-"
Day 1
Boy came over to fetch me at 7 plus AM over to his house. had breakie and off to BAI NIAN(: and boy love the dress i wore on this day alot. he mention abt it like at least million of times. LOL! haha. i know i am prettaye la(: LOL! went around to bai nian with boy and family first before he came over to my side. back at his hse in the evening for dinner. oh. and i visited the arcade on chuyi(: cool~~ oh. and valentine. pretty special for us(: BUT ALVIN CHUA. i rmb something about HIGH MAINTENANCE UH!!! tsk tsk.. LOL
woke up around 8 when boy's mum came in to wake us up. washed up and breakie. as usual. girls took longer(: and i rmb this funny scene. we were in cindy room. and the girls (to be exact me cindy and mummy) was so busy dolling up when my boy was happily holding on to a box of cookies and munching away on cindy's bed. haas. always so adorable^^ ahh. and whole was bai nian. and u ask me about ang bao money. HAHA. its ok. the amount on reunion day could beat the rest. and its nearing 1K alrdy. wah lao. seriously. taking ang bao is better then earning money. LOL! and i am back at home tonight. i miss boy.
thats all.