Its a bad month for me. working till wee hours, endless to-do list which seems to add on at a ridiculous speed. I'm starting to turn the clock anti-clockwise and zoom back to the past. it was eons ago since i feel soo busy that i'm starting to get a bit breathless. the workload and responsibility and commitment that i all have it coming down hard on me this month. i simply just want to cross my fingers and hope that i will survive till december. The christmas(:
It a sunny saturday. I wish i was sipping on a glass of cocktail and am basking under the big hot sun. Maybe adjoint with a book of my fav. wouldnt that be a nice deal? But oh no no, i am back in the office, piled up woth workloads and struggling to complete as much as possible so that i wouldnt simply break down next week(:
oh well, i once did it and i definitely can do it again. right?
I have a long long long want-to-do list. please help me make-it-happen fairy godmother!