Monday, July 04, 2011

One last

Like smearing my own face with my own shit, i have beg to differ my earlier post. I thought about this whole thing the whole afternoon. And i reason the whole thing out with one last conclusion. I left cause of people and not entirely work. Yes, work is stressful and loading. But i seriously cant take further shit from the people who are entirely dishonest, despicable and not trust-worthy. I know i am wrong in the first place to place my whole shit trust on you but little did i know that things are way worst than I thought it was.

Its super ridiculous of all the tales you have told!!! and its even more ludicrous when you thought that you are on the top of the world controlling every matter WHEN we ALL know every details of the ugly truth. I dont think you will feel any sense of guilt when you come to realise that 2 fine people left cause of you. I dont even think the guilt will reach your heart anyway.

And this is life, society, work. I know I will meet all these obstacles but i never thought it would come this close. But i was more fortunate than the others i would say. I hope to let you know, in this world, there is a thing call karma! I dont hope it will befall on you but i hope you can realise that we ALL know what you have been up to and you will correct yourself from there!