i love today(: cause...
1) school is freaking short
2) i BUSED to school today (first time for the term) an I WAS FIRST TO REACH
3) my crappy skill is so great that teacher complimented us xD
4) i got to see les and derek(:
5) i get to meet dear for brunch
6) i am meeting hoodies for dinner later(:
i don't love today:( cause...
1) i woke up too early dunno for what.
2) i had to clean jumper's poo poo early morning
3) i had to bring laptop to school
4) someone was so fierce=X
5) i have tuition later
6) my tuts aint done
LOL. that pretty sums up my day for now. went sch, head to vin house and drove to fetch his mummy and went lunch. home sweet home(: shant write much. i want to catch a nap before going for tuition. enjoy the pictures below. and STILL... i wan a camera. nono. I NEED A CAMERA. dammit!
the beetle that sits outside his house and IN HIS HEART=(

i love this serious him.