me and les went sentosa today. was actually meant to be a sun tan session. BUT. end up we became tourist. briefly, we went to take cable car. reach mt faber, camwhore. then to sentosa. went ard and camwhore again. and home(: too much things happen and so i shant write in details. pic will fill you in(:
after that went for YHHB reunion dinner. was fine. was really fool. had some laughter and went of with jiahui to meet our darlings. LOL. went to dear hse. chitchatted and dear drove me home. had a great chatting session online too(: "time was the best gift"
to les: i had a great time today laughing, chatting, emoing. the last ride on the cable car was the most fantastic moment. i had real fun and time was cherished tgt with you. thx for always so understanding, for always being there and for bringing joy to my life. thx for being so supportive! matters what decision it may be, les, i will support u through. thx les=) loves.
to vin: thx dear for making my day. i missed you. ytd night was a real outbreak and i realise certain stuff that i never knew before. dear, thx for being so patient, so understanding, so supportive and so loving. thx for sparing me some thoughts. just seeing ur smile, made me melt. thx so much lovely. and i love the way you hugged me. thx dear. muack! i love you.
alrights. below is flooded with 84 pics. enjoy.



with loves,