back from batam. dear came to fetch me again. thanks lovely. drove my cousin home first. didnt get lost at all *CLAPPS* for dear=D went up to my cousin hse to sit for awhile and left. dear drove me home and slacked at my hse.
woke up pretty early this morning cause my stomach was growling. didnt ate dinner the night bfore. went for beakfast with mummy and homed. slacked and watch drama again. teach selly tuition which ended nearing 5. dear's mummy ask me for dinner. so went to dear house and slack again. ME LIKE=) as usual, left at 10 to collect money and to my house. we practiced piano, dear played with jumper and slacked again. dear left at 1am plus.
Batam trip wit cousie was as FABULOUS as ever. life is like in heaven. SHIOK! once we reach there, we had breakfast. head straight to get our messy hair done up nicely=) check-ed in hotel and explore abit. head to BCS mall for shopping!!! oh wait. once we reach BCS, we indulge ourselves with GREAT FOOD LIKE BREEKS. it was DIRT CHEAP i tell you. we had a massive attack, a cajun chicken, a potato island. all for about 16 BUCKS!!! freak freak. the portion was. RAHHH! okok. so we proceed on for shopping. and we were so overwhelm by all the fancy clothes that we spent all we had on ourselves by 6PM. -.-!!! so we head back to hotel and made a tour around to find out the sauna and everything. changed more money and shopped again!went to had tze char dinner. SHIOK AGAIN. right after dinner we machiam chiong straight away to ngoya hill. THAT WAS WHEN WE WENT TOTALLY MAD! bought 6 tshirt at matahari each. the tshirt is similar to those selling in bugis. design not losing to them and EACH AT ONLY $2.80=) we went totally mad. went to hypermart. OH YES! i bought yakult, and tim tam. and corn and supper=) HAHHA. life's REAL GOOD! wait. there's more to come. read on... went back to hotel, WE WENT SWIMMING,JACUZI,SAUNA. life is TOTALLY. YOU IMAGINE!!!! we even went for thai chi massage. but abit PAISEH. cause you liteally have to strip infront of the massageur. BUT its damm shuang!!! relaxation=) slept at ard midnight=) woke up early next morning to enjoy our breakfast in the hotel. its doesnt taste nice. as in. its edible but not that kind of NICE you know. BUT BUT. it always make me feel super shaung when i have many to choose from and I HAVE UNLIMITED AMT=) ME LIKE! imagine one whole row and u walk down and CHOOSE! u imagine?! wipes mouth. anyway. the service was damm good also. they had chef cooking on the spot for you. waitress and waiter to pull ur chair for you, clear ur plates on time for you. after breakfast we checked out but left our stuff with the conceirge. went to ngoya hill for MORE shopping as we werent satisfied yet. bought more t shirt. another 6 more for me=D HAPPINESS! bought dress too=) again. we spent our money ald, so went back to hotel. sat at the lounge and waited for time to pass. fool around with my cousie and we changed into new clothes=) muahah. and home sweet home. SEE. life was like in heaven. mai dong xi, chi dong xi!!! eat shop relax. but i missed dear badly. so that was the con. and dear said to overcome this is to bring him there. HAHA. when you have time la=D
dear, thanks for always making my day. thanks for giving me your time. thanks for accompanying me til so late when you still have work the very next morning. everything is truely appreciated. dear. i promise to be good and take good care of myself and let you worry no more(:
i love the way you hug me.
i love the way you look into my eyes.
i love the way you run your fingers through my hair.
i love the way you adore me.
i love the way you put your lips on mine.
i love the way you yearn for my existence.
i love the way you misses me.
i love you for who you are.
thanks for making my life more sweeter then ever.
pictures flooding below. BEWARE!
me^^ i love this dress. i didnt regret buying=)

me and jumpy!!!


you see that head popping out?

she's cute=)

no, mummy says no. dogs dont eat fishes. er. i think her pet food is fish flavour =X

AHHH. YES. my new hair. ME LOOK. DUMB.

tim tams for gluttons=P

my spag and racer back for $1.50=)

t-shirts for $2.80. this is half the stack only.

we bought this cause we cant wash our hair yet.

me in hotel.

oh. took this when i was out with les and hui. me like the vest. i bun up my hair for info=)

alright, thats all folks. enjoy=)