its another day out with lessie and hui. met at 496 with initial plan to eat ban mian and head to pulau ubin to cycle. WELL. cause i'd eaten and so did hui, we all ended up eating bao. head to my house to settle some biz stuff. slacked. so we came up with ideas like... escape, snow city, batam. and many more crazy ideas. END UP, we settled on one plain idea. which is movie. DEPARTED. it was a hilarious yet meaningful movie. i kept laughing away BUT i don't deny that i did teared. after which, we craved for FRIED CHICKEN due to a scene inthe movie. but we ended up eating ZHOU kitchen buffet cause i was craving for desserts. HAHAH. it was nice though. well. time with them is always enjoyable=D
went to meet dear for a while leaving the girls still indulging in the buffet. it was as lovely as ever. nth can bring me more joy then seeing him. the girls would know what i mean. the constant smile hanging over my face. thanks dear. for making an effort to make a detour just to spent a lill more time with me. thanks for coming over even u are ald worn off and hungry. thanks for loving me every single day. and most imptly, thanks for texting me how u felt. somehow. girls love sweettalk=)
alright. i am left with nth to say cause life is as BORING. no job sucks. seriously. GET ME ONE SOMEONE. and give me some determination to exercise. PUHLEASEEE!