i really curse those germs floating around me. been pretty sick a few times recently. the cough germs somehow love to hang out around me. and so is the flu ones. BOO! anyway. had tuition ytd. and head to dear house. PORRIDGE^^ dear cooked porridge for me. can't deny you're my chef=) i enjoyed and i wanted moreeeee. hee! slack at dear's house. he played his game while i watch my show. haha. ard 10 dear drove me home.
woke up in a shock this morning. even though alvin gave me a morning call to wake up me. but i fell back asleep as usual. woke at 9 on the dot. SHOCK! cause i rmb my appointment is at nine. alomst fainted. in the end its at 10. HENG AR! and yes. i am in TA05=D with jacq bel weiloong engseng elda serene jinni meiling. ok. i am going to bath and head to buy something to eat. be back=D
with loves,