i know it been years since i blogged. and thus explains the accumulated pictures. aparantly for this two days. nothing much but with dearie. dear's sick, so i accompanied him for the past two days. his rashes is getting worst=( BOO! me don't like. rest well k dear? loves you. so on wed, acc-ed dear to doc and lunch. back to hse 55 and then to tuition. drop by again at night. doc again=( poor dearie. ytd. head over in the morning. we cooked lunch together=D potato porridge. despite scratching, dearie drove me to GOAT FARM. excited. but i tell you, IT STINK! rah! haha. then i went off for piano lesson. out for dinner at night with dear and familly. i miss him.
below are events that has way passed. HEH!
LOL! i took this. sometime ago in the train.

Princessy PINK=D

remember i talked about the anklet dear bought me. YES. he added that two bell himself. so it is ALVIN made=D haha.

kbox with that two sweetie=D we laughed and rolled and jumped and talked and singed and CAMWHORED! i love them really. muacks! i never had so much laughter so long with this two girls and i miss them. GIRLS! BLOG U MISS ME TOO. BOO!
toilet is always the best place to camwhore=D
OH THIS PIC! we tried millions of times before we could get it done. me and hui couldnt fit the hair. LAUGHS! its was the joke man. and look at les pls. SHE IS SKILLFUL.
WE had upmost fun inside kbox. i laughed till my stomach was having cramps can! dammm. it was fun fun FUN! more more pls. lets meet for lunch during schh days girlss!
hui: you can save and change to BLACK AND WHITE. you'll love it. muahaha
this cup of drink took 1 hr to reach the room. they went to pluck the coffee beans. then grind it. then made the drink. they even had to walk to supermarket to get the oreo on top. DAMM! made me wait soo loNg!
food we had during work. NICEEEE! i add 12 of that springroll you imagine!
i took this. forgot. sometime ago.
MOF with cousie. mum went batam and threw me alone again. met up with AMY PEH on sunday. shopped and ate at kobayashi. then she was craving for MOF. i love such meet ups. and i'm missing her ald.
my watermelon ice=D
her sesame ice cream[=
i love her loads. shopping, gossiping. she's nice to be with. and guess how old is she=D
ESCAPE with DEAR, LES, JAMIE, ZHISHAN AND XIAORAN. nobody GOT ALL THE NAMES RIGHT. I DID=D HAHAHHA. i wasnt in most photos. cause i was feeling damm fatigue. due to.... HAHA!
the night before escape. dear came over to accompany me till late night cause i was alone at home=( MO MO didnt wan me anymoreeeeeee.
he look zhuai here. he proclaim like that then look PRO. whatever.
OH!!! we had steamboat! dear prepared it. HAHA! but i washed luh. I DID CONTRIBUTE OK! and i contributed my 1998 monopoly redwine. which was SO NICE.maybe not the after effect. HOR DEAR!
specially went down just to get a pack of NACHOS.