oh yes. hols are over and busy bee days are here. school started on monday. where did i stop blogging? ahh. i forgot. shall just highlight main events ok? no one would be interested to read those small details of my life either. sch was as usual. maybe because its ald the third year. dont feel anything special about school starting. went flyers with lessie after sch on monday. ME love the bus trip. as serene as ever. with lovely song playing on ipoddy. me and les slept till bugis=X alighted near cityhall and walked through chijmes to get to raffles city. beautiful place indeed. and i always dream of going. one day=D walked all the way to flyers. we enjoyed the trip walking over. complaining about everything under the sunset=D we did all sorts of stupid stuff inside the capsules. u will see when u scroll below for the photos. LOL! dinner at makansutra. me love that place. brings back certain memories half yr back=D me and lessie loves the chicken wings. trained home after that. and I WANT TO GO MARINA BARRAGE. I WANT I WANT! =((
tuesday was a perfect happy day. school in the morning. back for tuition and home for dinnered. was in a happy mood=D and what makes it even happier was the night spin. dear suddenly said he want to bring me out and off we head to holland V. as nice place as ever in the night. the silence and beauty of the night. we ate at some jap restaurant. or rather HE ATE. haha i had ice cream. =D and walked around. hit our fav. supermarkets. LOL! had so so so much fun there. dear thanks for that night. i knew how happy you were and i was as happy. we could even laugh when there was no joke cracked. all we had was a smile hang over our face during the ride home. even we said nothing. even it was just the tune of the songs playing. we smiled and cuddle in love. dear. thanks so much for bringing joy. thanks so much for making my day. you made my life SIMPLE. thats the word. and thats the life. simple life. simple us. simple love. dear. i simply love you. i miss you dearly. i wan more time for just us.
rights. yesterday. nothing much. school . head to IMM with jacqueen after school to jalan jalan. then head piano and tuition. went to jp after tuition and bought a dress from pepper plus. met dear and home 55 for dinner. watched snipper with dear. me like=D 1st, the movie got EDISON. 2nd. i watched with dear. i went like, EDISONNNN MY HUSBAND. and someone was jealous=X hahha. even it was just as simple as watching a movie in your room, i enjoyed the time spent. cause it was just me and you. =D thanks dearieeeeeeee!
shant blog about today. nothing was nice except for meeting dear in the evening=(

lessie initiated this!!!

and i initiated this!!!!

i love her<3

LESSIE SEEEEE! i posted horrrrr
les was laughing up down left right when she saw this pic. SHE SAID I LOOKED LIKE GOLDFISH.
she couldnt stop laughing at this too. WHATS WRONG MAN! i love my face! boo!
lessie dun like the blue
but me like. emo enough!
i like the blur effect.
with dear at holland V<3
glutton of MINE=)
i love this guy. the love of my life. the one who made everything so perfect. the one who made my life simple. the one who gives me all his attention his care his love.