Saturday, April 25, 2009

Mummy's Day(:

had tuition today. till mummy's back then off we head to ikea. Refurnish my room. after walking for hrs. we decided on a bed a table and some accessories stuff. spent nearing 800 bucks. LOL! and IKEA. charges $4 for one hole drilled. WTH!!!! but anyway. ate hong kong cafe for dinner. =) OH YA! finally i got time for manicure. its been soooo long ever since i re polish my nails. awww! but i got it done today=D. alrights. time for bed soon. enjoy pictures below!

parts of my shopping. mostly delivered=D AND THEY CHARGE 55 for delivery and 6% of bill for assembly. what the?!??!

mummy's pork chop spag. mine was curry ramen. was too hungry. forgot t take a pic of it.LOL!

my yuan yang and mummy's milk tea



my manicured and pedicured nails(:

thats all folks.