its one of the best friday i ever had. and in fact, its the best day in my hols. met up with the two sweetest ppl on earth. our plan was to head to sentosa and watch song of the sea(: met at JP. both were late. met carisse on platform and trained down to harbourfront(: the journey took like the longest time ever. maybe cause we were superr excited! haha. bought tics for entry ad ate at food republic before entering. since show only commenced at 840PM. we decided to take and walk. caught a spot at the twin tower and chatted about everything under the sun. both of them are superr crappy. but i love themmmm<3
the show is ever so niceeeeeeeeeee. so mesmerizing. so magical. and that explains why i watched it the fifth time ytd =/ i wan to watch it again! with dear this time round!
alrights. photo will do the talking yea. (:
imagine the beauty OH GOD. i so wanna live in it. in the dreams... shutup. just let me fantasize.

PS: and i somehow despise you. for being childish and immature. and am i suppose to say congrats for making me feel so pissed? HAHA. i doubt.