the title tells the content right? yea. its the 6th monthsary. even though dear aint around. i spent it happily(: and i guess so did he. he had a surprised for me. which i kind of expected it cause he was lousy at keeping it a secret. but i didnt expect what it was. it was a shocked! yes. Mr chua got me a dress. i like it alot!!! and whats more amazing is that it fits me WELL! haha. thanks love<3 i never expected a dress. and its really sweet. its something indifferent. muacks! thanks for going thru that effort to write me all the letters and to search for that dress till late night. and of course, CDT contributed most of the effort(: thanks!
dear was saying: u are bless lo. i have never written so many letters. hee. thanks dear. i do recognise all these efforts(:
had dinner with CDY JDT and CYY(: real loads of fun. oh! and i saw dear's sissy too. she's a nice girl^^ see u soon and do join us for dinner. (if u sees this. HAHA)
Pictures. didnt take photo with the dress yet. soon. HAHA
