yes. yes. Mr Claire's Alvin is BACK. saturday and sunday was all spent with him. i just threw aside every other one and spent time with him. it was great great GREAT. that moment i saw him at the airport. i heave a sigh of relief. i was glad. he was back. safely. H1N1 didnt find him. No injuries found him. except maybe he sprained his ankle. other than that. everything was fine. (: i couldnt describe the feeling i had at the airport. its like as if going on a first date with him. my heart thumped like mad. daddy mummy drove dear me and DTs home. ate dinner at dear house. specially prepared for him. HAHA! fatass. Kelvin pass his driving. Congrats. Cindy had her graduation ceremony. Congrats. it was a triple happiness for his family^^
Dear drove us home. Saturday morning. went gym as usual. stayed back and did WISP project which Fucked me out totally. my PPT went shutting down before i could even had a chance to saved it. AND BY THEN I WAS EFFING DONE! dammit. whatever. went to dear's house after i went home to bath. steamboat. HAHA! slacked and Mr chua wanted to play jumper. so came over to my house. met the clique at 1130PM. lionel teck johnny jo huiting shujian hanwei was there. they wanted to go chomp chomp but end up the drivers voted for newton circles. HAHA! dear and me didnt ate cause by then we were bloated by dinner ald. HAHA. so it was kinda lame for us. after that voting decided we go mt faber. WHICH WAS THE LAMEST BY FAR! haha. but hanwei was a joke luh. HAHA! had a great time with the whole clique. even though i wasnt that close to them. non of my clique around could do that. first. my two dear brothers havent pass they driving, dun even think of driving out three cars like that. HAHA i'll wait for someone else to pass BETTER. HAHA. and by the time we homed, it was 4AM when i lie on my bed. it was great. thanks.
PS: i gotta thank lionel and teck for that weekend when everything was not right. Thanks(:
PSS: and my two lovely daughters too. they're just fab ppl<3
anyway. SUNDAY. HAHA. my piggy slept till 1PM u imagine. i become an early sleeper and waker when he was away. i woke up at 11AM even though i slept at 4AM. HAHA. did projects and tie up some loose ends before eating some brunch. dear came over to fetch me and off we went to his gran's house. chatted and sat for an hr or so? headed to his aunty house. haha. had fun listening to all the stories. they are funnyppl. really. joyous some too(: after that his house and went out with his family to tung lok for dinner. I WAS SUPERR BLOATED! dear was too. HAA. kelvin drove us. he was super cute. HAHA! after that to my house cause someone missed jumper more then me. HUMPT! went online to do some proj after dear left. but stupiak comp failed me. i think cause it was too hot. keep blue screen. damm..
its gonna be a long day today. its gonna be fun(: with JDT AND CDT. and i'm starting to look forward to gym. time to cut fatssssssssss.

Happy 19th birthday girl!! may you be bless with everything anything under the big yellow smiling sun(: blessing you with happiness love joy and laughter. We may have many unwanted stupid comments between us. i love you THAT MUCH TOO<3>
even though i only had chance to know u better when we were in poly and almost all recently. i never never regret. even though we may nt be BFFs but i definitely treasure u as one. as someone that impt that i hold in my heart. even thought we dun share heart felt thoughts. even though we dont even meet that often. i really got to thank les for leading us to today. i would never know u that much. i would have miss this chance of knowing you. i would miss the chance of knowing, who cared more. i know very well how this friendship is but by any way. i would love love to go out with you like how i go out with les. shopping chatting camwhoring slacking. its all that simple. friends are there. and so i am here. anytime. 24/7. like how i am there for les. i am for you. stay sweet dear. you know very well. we love you. that very much.
may this friendship go on and may i just leave my trust with you. that this will go on. and that. you'll be that gret person ever(: I LOVE YOU HUI! you'll stay there. and there in my heart. meet up soon! take care in the meanwhile. loves loves<3
SHOUTOUT TO FRIENDS: no no. i didnt forget u all. still rmb u guys. still have u all in my mind. BF is impt so are u girls. w/o any single one of u all. i wouldnt be me today. i am grateful thankful. i love you girls as EVER<3>
SHOUTOUT TO DEAR: stupid boy! haha. hang u on ur ears! rahh. i missed you. see u ltr. thanks for these two days. it was the best of that one month definitely(: i love you... and let this go on(: