i was missing bf hours ago. and bf. being a sweet bf. surprised me minutes ago. dear came up to my hse to surprise me with a whole big box of famous amous cookies!!! i swear he is the sweetest bf on earth! i was damm stressed. and gastric came over for god knows what reason. was complaining to bf over the phone when he finished gyming. so he came up to hang a smile over my faceeeeeeee(:
(:(:(:(:(:(:(: x 10000000000000000000000000000000000!!!!
thanks dear for the whole surprise. thanks for hanging that smile on my face. thanks for coming over all the way WITHOUT DRIVING to just give me a hug of comfort. thanks for the cookies to support me for tml's paper. thanks for being such a sweet bf. thanks for being mine!
can't imagine dear bused all the way here just for giving me a hug. he never never never LIKE bus-ing or taking public transport. dear. WO CHAO AI NI!!!
thanks my dear. its worth every of my effort for you. really.
muacks. i love you always!