i had a fantastic week. no grumbles:D cause i had dearie with me every single day^^
audit paper is over. not a disastrous, not fabulous. u decide(:
after audit paper on friday. dear brought me to silver shell cafe for dinner. we had a great deal. there was a deal of one for one for UOB cardholder. dear had it. so we dined in for 52 bucks only(: buffet style FYI!!! super great great deal. chill around sentosa and went back to vivo to shopped around. dear got himself a haircut at jean yip too^^ saturday was tanning session with dear. i am not charcoal black. dun worry. HAHA. brought jumper too. i wonder whats the affection between him and jumper. ROAR! haha. they had fun. AND JUMPER KNOWS HOW TO SWIM. dear taught her. ok la. he did nth but threw her inside. so basically she knows how to swim ald. she was dammmmmmmmm cute! for that day only. minusing the part she pooed. =S recently, jumper sort of turned "cuter" cause mr chua was patient enough to teach her a number of tricks. now. not only she knows how to sit and shake hand. she also knows how to sit flat down and act dead. HAHA! PS: i taught her the BANG ok! whatever. i know credits still goes to alvin chua. cause he loves her more than i do=X HAHA! Sunday was CARWASHING day. spent the whole mornin and afternoon at dear's house. wash car! haha. it was kinda a family thing. me and dear washed beetle while sissy and kelvin washed accord. ok. sissy did helped in beetle too. HAHA! ended the whole wash ard evening time. WAS SUPER TIRED AND PEK CHEK! haha. dear was uber scared cause he said i sounded fierce. sorry baby=( i still love you. you know that. hee! dear sent me home to bath and back to his house to head out tgt for dinner. went marche for dinner. fab fab. me and dear was bloated. trip back was niceee. i fell asleep in dearie's hugg^^ everyone fell asleep except for kel and daddy. HAHA! thanks dear for the fab 3 days. even it was exam period. i enjoyed myself to the max! thanks dear for the company. looking forward next is the batam trip. no. before that is KBOX with queen on wed. love all of you. MUACKS!
i mugged today. super productive. i realise i am productive in mac. HAHA! cross my fingers and bless me. pull me through this week pls....
and. i miss alot alot alot of ppl. ESP my Dts. so long ever since i met them=( i miss lessie. i miss gyming with her. no. i miss the bathing part actually. HAHA! well well. i miss dear. i'm not gonna see him today. shutup! i know its just A DAY. but i missed him. BOO!
k. back to books. bye
we bought our bottles(: