well. after weeks and i am back for an update. i suppose? nth much to say about. had been spending most of my times with those secondary school cliques. i enjoyed those sentosa tanning session. FELT UBER GREAT. couldnt jio anyone to sentosa at all cause previous none of my friends love doing that. but uhhuh!!! these crazy bunch of asses do(: HAHHA! went sentosa couple of times recently. quite frequent i might say. and UNIVERSAL STUDIO. though u aint fabulous. but still i amm coming for u. JUST U WAIT(: and yes. supper and wanton mee. HAHA i love that all. majorly: nette,keegan&gf,willmen&gf,OHT,derek,kangwei. yes. all these are the frequent attendees of such gatherings(: love them all. felt great with memories brought back. i must say they are a bunch of friends i will never forget. and they are a bunch of people whom are willing to share all wills and woes. thanks for being so nice. thanks for loving me. thanks for being so supportive. to be willing to go until hougang in such hot weathers. U GUYS ARE SUPER DUPER EHTHU!!! and imma loving it(:
anyway. as most of u guys know. i started working unilever. producer of walls b&j magnum icecream. body foams like dove sunsilk(: and even lipton tea are theirs(: and THE BEST DEAL IS i get to eat b&j for free EVERDAY(: WOOPIE!!! ^^ hoops hops hips(: but anyway/ hope i would carry on to love this job of mine. enjoy with super hip manager and hyper collegues(:
schools starting soon in july. hopefully it will be nice new environment(: and i miss JACQ WEI MAO JUN:( so long no see. and joyce for baking and belinda for dinner. AWWWW!!! grad ceremony that is. I SWEAR I WILL HUG U GIRLS TIGHT TIGHT! MUAHAHAH. anyway. am grateful u girls rmb me even my frequent disappearance. HEH! loves<3
till this then. off to bed(:
Claire and i stil love my boy ttm<3