Haven been blogging previously cause my comp was down and hence do not have any connection to the net except the iphone. lazy and cant be bothered to come and give an update either. But since the superboyf has repaired my slam-spoiled laptop, i shall try to make an effort to come and blog every now and then. Prolly not for the sake of letting my readers have something interesting to read about but to actually write down my memories.
I scrolled back to the earliest post and read-fore. AWESOME! it feels so great to read back all the posts. Be it a happy or sad posts, it was greatt(:
Is it that its been too long since i read a novel or write a post, i feel like i just cant structure my sentences properly. I need an english courseeeee(:
The weather has been so so so HOT recently that i thought i will melt under the sun:( I could literally feel my head spinning at times D: Hate global warming. Have a resolution to be environment friendly now:(
Been looking frequently at those coupon side and expenditure is increasing gradually! This is no good. and where is that resolution to save again? AWWW:(
Will be flying off next friday night. excited yet gloomy. excited that finally after a year over i am going on a trip again. gloomy cause 20-24 is boyf break before he hit brunei and I WILL BE AWAY TOTALLY:( this is nowhere near awesome:( and oh wells. better than ruining both, i choose to enjoy my rare holidays(: and come back on time to at least sent him off for his 21 days expedition:D
We've come thus far and i believe we'll go on further and forever. We might fight/quarrel, but at the end of the day, we'll still cuddle to bed. and thats us(: 1 + 1 = 2. we make a pair =D it been a joy working on the weekdays and looking forward to the weekends when he can book out. waking up every morning to see his sms-es which makes a daily dosage of happy pill. This routine has been going on and on. so fast that its been 11months. 1 month plus to his ceremony. I am proud of this boy(: He just amazes me sometimes(:
Been rather skeptical about certain stuff and it makes me feel like just going off when clock strike 5.30PM. and for some reason i started playing MAPLESTORY again. kiddo or what?! haha. been telling ppl around me and i just merely got laughed off. oh wells. its a form of entertainment what.
TODAY is boring. I cant say i have NOTHING to do but i just have nothing URGENT ( cause i seem to have urgent stuff all the time). Decided to go home early and hook on net to do some research and plan out my HK itinery. Its about time(:
its 2.41PM. lets count down(: