Wednesday, July 29, 2009
dear came over just now. time was well spent. even though it was just to huddle together and chatted about everything under the big yellow sun. i like the time spent. its great how we could share every thought together. and thanks for all the assurance once again. i thought i needed that most maybe. lol.
i need to feel a lill more confident...
Monday, July 27, 2009
Your view on yourself:
You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.yea. so much so that i hurt people's feelings at times. LOL!
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes.i don't remember being together with a super handsome or sauve guy.
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.i always believed in love at first sight. and always followed my gut feeling. this is me(: not so practical person i guess.
The seriousness of your love:
You like to flirt and behave seductively. The opposite sex finds this very attractive, and that's why you'll always have admirers hanging off your arms. But how serious are you about choosing someone to be in a relationship with?its not really about being serious or not to me? its more like whether i really like or rather love that person(:
Your views on education
Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you really depends on whats the topic to study for...
The right job for you:
You have plenty of dream jobs but have little chance of doing any of them if you don't focus on something in particular. You need to choose something and go for it to be happy and achieve success.WAH! all those who know me. my dream career varies from medical field to service lines. HAHAHA!
How do you view success:
You are confident that you will be successful in your chosen career and nothing will stop you from trying.kind of... the old me. HAHA! maybe now i will consider elements like family, relationship. more practical stuff i guess. i've mature a lill in my decision.
What are you most afraid of:
You are afraid of things that you cannot control. Sometimes you show your anger to cover up how you feel.yea. actually sometimes i just feel sad and disappointed. but being such a stubborn person. i just wouldnt want to face reality and just create a fuss over it.
Who is your true self:
You are full of energy and confidence. You are unpredictable, with moods changing as quickly as an ocean. You might occasionally be calm and still, but never for long.WAH! THIS IS OH SO ME! yes yes. everyone who knows me jolly well knows that i am such a person. i can be hyper active this minute. but emo and paranoid the next. esp my bf. he should have a taste of it ald. HAHA. bad point bad point. time for a change(:
how u rate this? tag me to comment^^
did i mention anything abut saturday? hmm. teached a number of tuition in the morning. went gyming with les also. even though we spent most of the time in the toilet singing. we still enjoyed the bathing part MOST(: went home and slept all the way to the evening. dear came to fetch me and drove mummy to granny place. went to his house for steamboat. OH! went to sheng shiong to get the BBQ stuff for sunday too(: prepared the foods and stuff.
sunday morning was filled with tuition again. homed and rest while waiting for dear to end his work. went down to meet him at 2PM. over to his house to get the bbq stuff ready. went for a run with dear after everything was settled(: home and started BBQ. was pretty fun but i was damm bloated. like SUPERRR. talked alot with his mummy. haha. his mummy loves telling lotsa stuff. hmmm. went back to his room. waiting for him to bath and off to 504 and my hse. dear manage to teach jumper some stuff. DAMM GREAT. i failed for a hundred times can. so now what? am i ur GF or her? dont let the past repeats itself. hmmm. slacked and chatted with dear till ard midnight before he went off. always feel so worried when u drive home late night. LATER u sleepy and start off a 100. HOW?! u better rmb what u promised. esle u take public transport.
had a great great weekend. its always so nice having dear around. and what made me felt more assured was what u said in the car. thanks dear. for making me felt appreciated again. its somewhat a little more encouragement to me for perservering on. (: and i love the way we work hand in hand in the kitchen. even though i suck at certain stuff. i got you. next time u do the cooking ok? i eat HAHA. right cheeky monkey?
and i like the way your lips fell on mine. *hugs*

Saturday, July 25, 2009
i didnt notice my previous post was the 500th hundred post of this blog(: looking back. i did own it for quite some time. and clicking the "older post" button made me start reminiscences the past. ESP XMAS. i wanted a good xmas so badly. i rmb, all the xmas i spent away was always superr fun. i can't help but love this festive season. its the only only festive season i look forward to so much! and i actually had one xmas wish made 2 years ago. on the xmas when i went through the toughest period of my life and when it was the greatest turning point of my entire 18 years living. i made a wish that on the year i turn 21, i would be able to spent my xmas in some snowing country. where snow will fall on my fingers, rain deer will pull the sleigh, and santa will sent me some pressie.
anyway. its kinda mark the end of this week. this bad long week. as u can see thru previous posts. this week aint anywhere good for me. i became so so paranoid over lill stuffs. aint tha usual me. well. but i manage to pull thru it didnt i? i certainly have to apologise to dear. for making a fuss over small stuff recently. thanks for being so understanding. so tolerant. you are a great BF really u didnt complain at all. and whats more is u felt apologetic. thanks dear. thanks for being so nice and so protective of me. thanks for all the assurance. its great really. i love you<3
well. that marks the end of this disastrous week. BYE IDIOT(:
life's gonna be great ahead. and thanks fanni wong. for that chat. esp that sms. it made me thought thru alot(: so much so that i've straighten my thoughts. though mentality cant be changed over minutes. but it definitely wil over days and months. i believe i can do it(:
oh wells. and my friends. i look forward to the buffet next week. with camwhore, best crapper, always so understanding and knew me damm well JACQ. mac mugger, slacker, 2 years worth of crapping history, always there for me BEL. and chao ah beng WL and QQ. and classmate. AHHH. best week ahead. BLESS ME<3
looking back and reflecting upon life. i can't really make up which decision made was right and which was wrong. there is always the pros and cons, rights and wrongs to whatever decision i have made. but so far. there is only one that i ever so regretted about.
can't deny; i committed much mistake back in the past. but thats also the point where i grew and learned more about life. till today that i am in NP. studying a course which i never thought i would be in. being together with this sweet boy which i never thought i would. i never regret coming this far.
he made me grew, he taught me how. he made me knew alot of things. learned and grew. he always put whats best for me in priority. he always places me infront of he himself. i have alot alot of things to say. to let him know. how much he meant to me. how much difference he made in my life. i went through a number of relationship. every each of them writes a book in my life. pieces up part and parcel of my memories. i've got loads to express. either i dont know how to. or its inconvenient to here.
my eyes are closing yet i have so much to reveal and say. maybe i just want him to know. its not about how long we had each other. its about the amount of quality time we had. i know i had you. always. and u know u have me as ever.
i just wan you to know, i love you. thanks for the memories. it is a great great relationship<3 thanks so much for everything done. you knew i'm always grateful for that. hang on there(:
Friday, July 24, 2009
on a brighter note. weekend is coming near. so much so anticipating; i dreads too. tuition; gym. endless work waiting for me to complete. where's that free holiday life? i yearn for it once more
sentosa; song of the sea; volleyball; tanning; camwhoring all this i miss so so so much. esp those sentosa tanning session with my babes. AWWWW. tell me its coming soon ladies. i got so much to tell; so much to say. so much to share. u all i know i have my endless topics. oh those dayss.....
stop the pretense; its kinda irritating.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009
recently, i'm always stuck with deep pondering moments. i worried too much. i become a little too paranoid. i feel un secure at times. somehow. i reflect back and got reminded about that confident and free self years ago. and where did she go? maybe that accident 2-3 years ago did make that very great impact on me and that i understand what is no one is perfect.
maybe its time i should build up some confidence and move a step further in life. its another say 40 plus days and i'm gonna be steping into the society and face all sorts of obstacles and politics all by myself. i am always confident that i am good in terms of interpersonal relationship and facing such politics. i feel there will always this down side of me. i cant predict how future may come by but i believe its gonna be a rocky path for me.
it sucks to know and gets super frighten about certain stuff. but i believe i should grow strong enough to curb all these and i cant afford to break down cause everyone is pinning their hopes on me. i dont wan to disappoint any.
final reports, exams, study breaks. and it sucks even more to know. i will be having my papers when darling is having his first week of break by then. i curse sometimes why are we taking a different path.
what more can i get being in year 3? it sucks totally.
just tell me you love me. appreciate me. and let me know you cared. thats what i need most i guess.
AIYA. it sucks uploading photos using NPNet. its damm slow. anyway. i dont have any photo for recent. only those long ago ones. it goes to blame not having a camera. maybt i should get a proper one. photos are important. i wan to have fun. i wan to play. i cant setle down. i wan endless of fun. shit=(
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
there's alot i wanna ask. i wan to be answered about... maybe i just need some assurance. awww. sucks.
i miss ACYL. ain gonna see him today and it makes me feel a little weird.ROAR!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
had dinner with vin, DTs and Peiqin (dear's sis FYI). had real loads of fun. with that two with me. i always feel safe, feel wanted, feel happier. ok. i know chua yu long is gonna say: WHAT ABT ME. yes yes. feeling with u is different. dont worry. whats more impt then u?
waited at 72 lvl 3 with DTs for mr chua who came an hr late. -.-" i was so so so HELLA WORRIED he met an accident again. ROAR! well. he was safe and fine :D
drove to JJC to fetch PQ. then off to taman for dinner. i had fun laughing at my dear pigeon. she fills me with laughter really. even though sometimes her action is untolerably FUNNY. but it somehow reminds me of myself. HAHAHA. to les: u have a duplicate with me here. jam jam. she is just like u. HAHA. u would so so wanna know her. HAHHA
drove the three girls home and dear actually wanted to go watch movie cause he wanted some time just for the two of us. but coincident happens. his mummy called and was happen to be at JP also. so instead we went to met her mummy to eat supper. HAHA. ok. his mummy ate. not us. HAHA chatted at fei xiong with his mummy and the sent me home(: thanks mummy and dear :D to that boy of mine: dont feel so sorry and sad ok? we have the time in the world. there's always another day. right?
AH AH. why am i saying so much when i'm seeing him in another say half an hr time? HAHAH. IMY!!! anyway. sch today was on a note sucky yet lively. ah ah. tributes to queen ok. yes yes. i damit lar. u cheered me up. u did(: even though i felt like vomiting, u manage to make up that smile on my face. and lec was a total bored. maybe cause i add too much titbits and QUEEN SAID I USED 255 BUCKS TO BUY A TRASH BAG. dammit. she said that my agnes b look like a trash bag. cause i simply dumb EVERYTHING inside. anyhow. HHAHAHAH. les said the same thing too, BUT SHE DIDNT SAID TRASH BAG. soooooooo hurt~~~ QUEEN! HAHHA. sorry girls for the foul mood today. i felt super worn off. tired maybe.
getting a lill more paranoid recently. maybe i should learn something from les. which is to only love those who love me. and not EVERYONE. it does makes a difference. like what lessie says. what for love those who dont love u? so much time ar? she taught me something new today. very much. love her. that loads. she made a different. she brought me a new chapter in life. she accompanied me through times of ups and downs.
i may not mention every single things here. i clealy know who was there and who werent. in period of the darkest path in life. when i get super paranoid. i knew. who was there. to walk and to console me. i may not be the greatest person on earth. i cant be that very perfect BFF if yours. but i definitely will be the one who love u truly. who treats u truly. who rmb clearly.
its been really long since i blog such personally stuff. and to note. i remember:
the girl who accompanied through my lower sec path. whom walked home with me every single day. who sat with me in the canteen after sch for at least 3 hr to see me cry like mad dog cause i did badly (pass though) for my math test. for changing me to adapt to YHSS cause i was a transfer. who i drifted apart from after we went to upper sec and i was too involve in CCA. who i was glad. i still have her around me now. who i am glad still love me as ever. i want to let her know. i love her. forever. i appreciate wat she has done so far. and even though i always never mention abt this. it was kept deep down there(:
and the girl who was not on good terms with me initially. who always love to ignore me cause she was angry with me. who was the first person i dare to confront and talk out with her. who always turn to me when she had trouble. who i had the greatest secondary sch memories with. who i always felt like protecting. who i know very well. love me for who i am. we went thru alot. very much ALOT. from disliking each other to loving each other. and i am glad i have her now. and i am glad. she is here with me. god bless her always(: i wan her to know. she was the best gift to me. she was the one. who thought me alot of things. she was the one. who created a different me.
and lastly. that girl who i didnt even tok to in sec sch become my BFF. who even though we always quarrel and exchange stupid faces. who i always turn to when i didnt know what to do and she wont give me that constructive comments. who was there for me when i needed her. even in he middle of the night like 3AM. who i created great memories with. who i would never be who i am now w.o her. i want to thank her. for al the tolerance for all there care love and concern she gave. even though sometimes i dont express my thoughts. even though sometimes i would suan u like no one biz. u know very well. how much u stand in there. i love u always.
knowing this 3 girls was the best thing on earth. i never had such great pals. and i wan them to know. i never took them for granted. i want them to know. they are my girls. forever on.
soon. i know someone would be as impt...
Monday, July 13, 2009
yes. yes. Mr Claire's Alvin is BACK. saturday and sunday was all spent with him. i just threw aside every other one and spent time with him. it was great great GREAT. that moment i saw him at the airport. i heave a sigh of relief. i was glad. he was back. safely. H1N1 didnt find him. No injuries found him. except maybe he sprained his ankle. other than that. everything was fine. (: i couldnt describe the feeling i had at the airport. its like as if going on a first date with him. my heart thumped like mad. daddy mummy drove dear me and DTs home. ate dinner at dear house. specially prepared for him. HAHA! fatass. Kelvin pass his driving. Congrats. Cindy had her graduation ceremony. Congrats. it was a triple happiness for his family^^
Dear drove us home. Saturday morning. went gym as usual. stayed back and did WISP project which Fucked me out totally. my PPT went shutting down before i could even had a chance to saved it. AND BY THEN I WAS EFFING DONE! dammit. whatever. went to dear's house after i went home to bath. steamboat. HAHA! slacked and Mr chua wanted to play jumper. so came over to my house. met the clique at 1130PM. lionel teck johnny jo huiting shujian hanwei was there. they wanted to go chomp chomp but end up the drivers voted for newton circles. HAHA! dear and me didnt ate cause by then we were bloated by dinner ald. HAHA. so it was kinda lame for us. after that voting decided we go mt faber. WHICH WAS THE LAMEST BY FAR! haha. but hanwei was a joke luh. HAHA! had a great time with the whole clique. even though i wasnt that close to them. non of my clique around could do that. first. my two dear brothers havent pass they driving, dun even think of driving out three cars like that. HAHA i'll wait for someone else to pass BETTER. HAHA. and by the time we homed, it was 4AM when i lie on my bed. it was great. thanks.
PS: i gotta thank lionel and teck for that weekend when everything was not right. Thanks(:
PSS: and my two lovely daughters too. they're just fab ppl<3
anyway. SUNDAY. HAHA. my piggy slept till 1PM u imagine. i become an early sleeper and waker when he was away. i woke up at 11AM even though i slept at 4AM. HAHA. did projects and tie up some loose ends before eating some brunch. dear came over to fetch me and off we went to his gran's house. chatted and sat for an hr or so? headed to his aunty house. haha. had fun listening to all the stories. they are funnyppl. really. joyous some too(: after that his house and went out with his family to tung lok for dinner. I WAS SUPERR BLOATED! dear was too. HAA. kelvin drove us. he was super cute. HAHA! after that to my house cause someone missed jumper more then me. HUMPT! went online to do some proj after dear left. but stupiak comp failed me. i think cause it was too hot. keep blue screen. damm..
its gonna be a long day today. its gonna be fun(: with JDT AND CDT. and i'm starting to look forward to gym. time to cut fatssssssssss.

Happy 19th birthday girl!! may you be bless with everything anything under the big yellow smiling sun(: blessing you with happiness love joy and laughter. We may have many unwanted stupid comments between us. i love you THAT MUCH TOO<3>
even though i only had chance to know u better when we were in poly and almost all recently. i never never regret. even though we may nt be BFFs but i definitely treasure u as one. as someone that impt that i hold in my heart. even thought we dun share heart felt thoughts. even though we dont even meet that often. i really got to thank les for leading us to today. i would never know u that much. i would have miss this chance of knowing you. i would miss the chance of knowing, who cared more. i know very well how this friendship is but by any way. i would love love to go out with you like how i go out with les. shopping chatting camwhoring slacking. its all that simple. friends are there. and so i am here. anytime. 24/7. like how i am there for les. i am for you. stay sweet dear. you know very well. we love you. that very much.
may this friendship go on and may i just leave my trust with you. that this will go on. and that. you'll be that gret person ever(: I LOVE YOU HUI! you'll stay there. and there in my heart. meet up soon! take care in the meanwhile. loves loves<3
SHOUTOUT TO FRIENDS: no no. i didnt forget u all. still rmb u guys. still have u all in my mind. BF is impt so are u girls. w/o any single one of u all. i wouldnt be me today. i am grateful thankful. i love you girls as EVER<3>
SHOUTOUT TO DEAR: stupid boy! haha. hang u on ur ears! rahh. i missed you. see u ltr. thanks for these two days. it was the best of that one month definitely(: i love you... and let this go on(:
Thursday, July 09, 2009
my days are filled with proj but nothing else. the one whole week was spent to complete all this projects and suddenly i have this hope that poly eliminate all projects. shiat=(
something to cheer me up was the company of the few crazy girl around me. esp jacq and bel. well. not forgetting dog. HAA. even though we always get stressed up and angry due to projects. but we never fail to crap as much though. HAHA.
went kbox with lessie that day. was nt satisfying yet satisfying. HAHA. ok. not satisfying cause nt enough. satisying cause it was funnn(:
dearie will be back tml. i miss him that much. but bcomm sales call is tml. shiat:(
Thursday, July 02, 2009
the title tells the content right? yea. its the 6th monthsary. even though dear aint around. i spent it happily(: and i guess so did he. he had a surprised for me. which i kind of expected it cause he was lousy at keeping it a secret. but i didnt expect what it was. it was a shocked! yes. Mr chua got me a dress. i like it alot!!! and whats more amazing is that it fits me WELL! haha. thanks love<3 i never expected a dress. and its really sweet. its something indifferent. muacks! thanks for going thru that effort to write me all the letters and to search for that dress till late night. and of course, CDT contributed most of the effort(: thanks!
dear was saying: u are bless lo. i have never written so many letters. hee. thanks dear. i do recognise all these efforts(:
had dinner with CDY JDT and CYY(: real loads of fun. oh! and i saw dear's sissy too. she's a nice girl^^ see u soon and do join us for dinner. (if u sees this. HAHA)
Pictures. didnt take photo with the dress yet. soon. HAHA
